PlennusShared OfficesThis is the exclusive application for the health professional user of Plennus. In it it is possible to have the complete management of everything that involves attendance in the networks offices.- Reservations: view availability and book offices in Plennus units- Hours package: have the control of the use of your plan of hours used and still available in the month in the palm of your hand.- Bookings already made: access the consumption report of the current month and retroactive, being able to check your statements and generate it in PDF.- Financial: control all charges generated, whether paid or open.- Registration: quickly update your registration data, including password.- Networking: visualize the people present in the offices, being able to interact with those who have the same specialty.- Scraps: have gathered in a list scraps and calls registered until today, being able to filter by date or type.- Second copy: issue the second copy of invoices and invoices in a simple and fast way.For more information visit our website and contact us. Exclusive application for associate professionals.